By lizzie_birkett

From Skein to Ball

Not a good photo as I was trying to hold the skein as well.
He always does this for me, it reminds him of doing the same for his Mum when he was a boy :-)
Had a bit of a sort out this morning, stuff for the charity shops, other stuff put in the attic eaves space. 
I’m always getting rid of stuff but there’s always more!
We didn’t have pancakes yesterday as we had leftovers so I made vegan ones for tea today. Mine had sliced apple in them, lemon and sugar on top.
Frank like them plain with sugar and lemon juice.
I had an episode of disturbed vision today - flashing lights and zig zag.
I used to get this sometimes before a migraine but these days I don’t get migraines any more. It wore off after half an hour rest, a cup of tea and 2 digestives. I’d had a good breakfast so I don’t think it was low blood sugar.

Book and bedtime now, goodnight :-) X

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