Lunchtime View

SWMBO and I redeemed the Christmas gift from Bags & Co at lunchtime ...... a 3 course meal at South Queensferry's best kept secret  - The Boathouse (their words not mine).
The only giveaway to it being a restaurant is the menu in the window. Behind the door there are 2 big armchairs and a flight of stair leading down.
The stairs take you into a small restaurant with two huge picture windows looking out over the Forth.
We got the table for two which was turned at 45 degrees to the window so that each of us was looking directly at the bridges .... I got the nicest one.
It wasn't just the view that was super - the service and the food were up there too.

I have put up some of the pictures I took on the walk there and back to the car over here.
Apart from the obvious 'Bridge' shots I tried my best to get the 'feel' of South Queensferry (well, the touristy bit anyway).

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