Reflections on a dull day.
This morning Mrs W had to donate some blood and get something pumped back into her arm as an exchange, so armed with the knowledge that Springwells at Billingborough is usually good for some sort of reflection I ventured out of the comfort of the car. Shot(s) taken with my baby camera at wide angle, then cropped a bit in PS.
While I was waiting I learnt something new about our Mokka today. Some time back when it was wet and cold something odd happened when I was sitting in the car sorting some things out. The lights flashed and the windows came down by a few inches. We had been having trouble with the automatic lights etc at the time so I put it down to that.
This morning as I returned to the car and remotely unlocked it the windows came down a few inches again! So I sat in the car and googled the problem, and guess what, its part of the programming. Apparently if you hold the ‘unlock’ button down for more than 3 seconds then the windows open. Same with the ‘lock’ button then the windows close. It’s not mentioned, certainly not highlighted in the instruction manual supplied with the car – I know because I read the manual for the first time since we had it this morning . . . :-))
Many thanks to BobsBlips for hosting WidWed today.
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