Tiny Tuesday and the Challenge is Seasonal....
I'll tell you that tropical butterflies of all shapes and sizes are not found in Wisconsin regardless of "the season."  But at the Zoo in Milwaukee, it's possible to have tropical butterflies in the middle of winter with an impending blizzard forecast for the next three days.
If there's a special name for a Butterfly Palace I do not know it. But this exhibit was fascinating. You enter a large building that's very dark with dark canvases hanging all over the place. Then you walk into a partitioned set of canvases and into a screened room.  The door is shut behind you and then you walk through yet another door into/ a room where hundreds of butterflies are flying free all over the place. It's like being in a puppy palace only for butterfly lovers.
There's feeding/drinking stations like this all over the place. The insects land on the visitors, flap their highly colorful wings and then, just as quickly, fly off to a chorus of "Oooooos" and Ahhhhhhs."
Kids chase and try to catch them...parents admonishing them to be careful. I have a hundred photos of these magnificent critters and lots of pix with them sitting on even with a butterfly on her nose and she cross-eyed looking at it.
When leaving, one has to be inspected to be sure that no "hitch-hikers" are attached anywhere and only then is the exit door opened.
The butterflies are tiny, comparatively speaking, as can be seen by one next to my bandaged finger. If you're wondering how a right handed man could have made this photo let me say that I'm remarkably flexible for a man of my age.
Best seen in Large.

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