Snaabul, 10 Years On

A lovely calm morning, with the sun trying to get out.  Light rain in the afternoon.  A breeze tonight, but dry.

Up early to pick mam and dad up from the ferry. A busy morning setting up mam's new phone.  We popped by Laura's, unfortunately she had a garden accident, dropped a stone and burst open her finger.  Off to the hospital she went.  Mid morning walkies, and then popped by Madeline's, she had pancakes up for grabs, yummy.  An afternoon at home, finally getting out with Sammy.  I've been working in the shop this evening, and a steady night.  Feet up now. 

Another ten years on project, and more decay to be seen.  A place we used to come on family picnics as bairns.  I'm sure there was hippies that stayed here too.  I still visit the area regularly, and have many photos of the decay of the years.  The old telegraph pole has vanished, the second house roof has finally fallen all the way down, and now the main house roof is ready to collapse with any gale soon.  These old houses still make a good photo, and blend into the landscape.  Taken at Snaabul, Gunnister, Northmavine.  

10 Years ago link

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