Rainbow on the Kyles of Bute

Wed 15th
The early walk with Maeve the Deerhound was in bright albeit cool sunshine, so after breakfast we just sat in the back garden for an hour or so. When the air is clear we can pick out Lochranza on Arran and see lots of the high hills at its Northern end. To the right as we look Kintyre stretches on ito the distance, its colours fading to the South.

Mid morning and we drove round via Millhouse to Kilfinan which is the name of the Parish for this end of Cowal although it is a tiny village/hamlet. There is a lovely old church there. Apothecary7 wanted to visit the graves of some of her ancestors and find one or two more that she had found during her family hiostory research. The church and graveyard are set amongst mature trees and at one side of the cemetery there is a view over fields to Loch Fyne.

Back to Tighnabruaich for a late lunch in the Burnside Bistro. Wednesday and most cafes are still closed because of lack of visitor numbers. Thursday would appear to be the day when things open. Long weekends must bring some people. After lunch we took a walk along the shore in Tighnabruaich towards the North end of the village whenre there is a boatyard at Rhubaan. There is a path that runs along the side of Loch Riddon and the Kyles from there. Part of the Cowal Way. We wandered along for a mile or so then turned back.

Back near the gallery in Tighnabruaich (closed in the afternoon) we met the couple that are staying in the cottage next top ours and had a blether. Then it was back to the cottage and another hour or two of sitting reading in the garden and enjoying being here and looking out to sea and over to Arran.

Dinner in the Shinty Bar of Royal An Lochan Hotel. Very good.

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