Book Thoughts...

It was a quiet Sunday morning as usual..just me and Maggie..curled up,  her by the fire and me with a book - The Reading List, a debut novel by Sara Nisha Adams. 

It was a book I had seen on Blip - posted by Evie11 - and of course it caught my interest!  A reading list? Perfect! I am only part way through it at the moment but am really enjoying it and wish I had known about it before as I would have recommended it for our book club! 

The author includes a reading list of her own in the addendum - books that made her want to be a reader and eventually a writer.. She comments  that: 

"These books found me at just the right time in my life. I can remember each of them so vividly, I remember the characters as though they were friends, sometimes even family, I can remember exactly where I was and how I felt when I turned that final page. They've stayed with me ever since." 

Now, did that ever make me think...  and I could imagine having an interesting conversation about that with friends..Are there any books that that affected us in that way? Do we have a Reading List of our own that we would recommend to others ? As much as I love books, I am struggling to think of one that moved me as much as the ones on the author's list moved her...but I think that maybe the key is the timing? like when we read something at just the right time? Anyway, it is worth thinking about.. and making a list! And sharing it with friends around the fire on a winter's day...or on the dock on a sunny summer's day with a glass of wine?  

Books can be so much fun, n'est-ce pas?  

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