
Can the weather get any worse? Oh Yes it can !!! .....and it did.

Pissing down with rain (pardon my Franglais)..headlights on by lunchtime. It's just awful.

Took no 3 to the movies to see 'Epic' - not bad, I used free vouchers...but I had an annoying child beside me (not my own!) - Parents .... control your children ! Or DON'T take them! And the man in front obviously wasn't interested in the movie and surfed the web on his phone. Which was very bright. I was so hacked off by naughty children and the weather my tolerance was Nil. Thankfully he turned off when I asked.

No 2 is away to the movies also. No 1 has 2 jobs on today. Helping at dance studio this morning then a MacDonald shift til 10.00 pm.

Mr S ....? He pricing flights to Portugal in October. If we're in for another rotten summer I want lots of holidays (and we can spend my redundancy now!).

...also been looking at a Canon 6D ....shhhh...don't tell him. I love my 500D, but I would love a full frame more. What should I do? Buy lens or a new camera?

Off to watch Eurovison Song contest and see the sun shining in Malmo !

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