With an Eye to the Sky

I went back to the Cortez Seafood Festival this morning with my friend Keith. We toured the craft aisles, listened to some music, and saw the owls. 

The rehabilitation company has 4 owls on display, including this little guy.

Even though I'll never
see another beach.
I am an owl,
an owl of screech.

Being out in the wild
is out of my reach.
So I go with my handlers
the public to teach.

But once in a while
when they are saying..."Hi"
I look to the heavens,
I look to the sky.

The organization has treated and released many animals, but the 4 owls will never be released for a variety  of reasons. They are now part of the effort to save others.

Even though the screech owl
is most often mute.
It is still so handsome,
it is still so cute.

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