Fourth time lucky?

I've been told before that it's "not big enough for us".   Today's the first time I recall being told 3-4 times the photo's TOO BIG.

I hope now, that at ≤ 1k on a side, it'll be acceptable - FINALLY?

OK - to the Blip, at last.
Heck E. Thump!!!!  Is it really 10 days already? Very remiss I didn't check more often.

Usual daily toddle around.  As I approached the Pond, the water BOILED!  BUT - not a Frog in sight.  Cure - patience!  

I took out the "Longer Lens" and perched, looking along the pond.  Eventually they started to reappear.  I never saw more than four within the view-finder but guesstimate a dozen or more in total.

Top pic.   -   Plan A. - Total array of all visible Frogs' Porn in the Pond.
Bottom pic. - Plan B. I was so chuffed at finally seeing the pesky things, I couldn't not show at least a brace of them?

Pond level currently low enough for Spawn to be above surface - ergo - slow fill in progress.

On 2nd thoughts, I added the four-shot.

I almost forgot - the WARNING!!
I saw a sight today, which almost became the Blip - BUT - while I feed an urge to issue a warning about it, I fell a similar urge to warn those of squeamish nature OR tender hearted to avoid my tomorrow's Blip.

In case you DO avoid it I tel the bones of it day after tomorrow.

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