Seeing Beyond Looking

By SandraSuisse

A New Little Friend

I bet you'd never have imagined me posting dog photos! I think it's a first!  On my late afternoon walk in the neighbourhood, I met a lady with the cutest little Yorkshire Terrier ever!  He was proudly carrying a stick and loved it when his owner threw it for him! What a character. I got waggy tails and a passing lick and I threw the stick a couple of times too!  I thought that his little red harness was very smart and doesn't choke his neck. I like it that dog's tails and ears can no longer be clipped for 'beauty' purposes.  I forgot to ask his name, but he had such shiny, intelligent eyes!  I'll probably see him on future walks as he lives just a little higher up in my neighbourhood!  

I did include some snowdrops and it's so lovely to see them now. I also saw some crocus, yellow aconite and scilla too, but too far away in private gardens for me to capture. A lovely sunny, warm and springlike day.

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