Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

2975. Water only today….

Still feeling rotten and staying in bed for the time being thankfully only infrequent trips to the bathroom now!
I’ve only had water so far but may try and eat a banana at lunchtime today.
Had to put off a visit from my middle step daughter today which is a shame but I’m not up to visitors yet. Hubby has been brilliant and has been taking very good care of me. He’s also trying to sort out re-arranging a battlefield tour we had booked as the company have cancelled it because of low take up. It’s fine for the folks who just get up and go to the nearest pick up point in the South East but we’ve now got to pay to change flights and hotel bookings if we decide to move to a new tour or face losing money on them if we don’t. Also the company is open today for new bookings but not to amend them!
I’m sure we’ll get it sorted tomorrow.

There is a silver lining however, I’m at my lowest weight since I started this diabetes prevention programme in September so my illness has kick started sone weight loss when I’d been static for weeks….not my preferred way of doing it though :)

Also forgot to explain….this is my lens cup my sister in Australia gave me!

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