love is a verb

By loveeveryminute


We did something I don’t like to do: we bought a turkey at a flea market. You never know what disease they might have. However this girl was so gentle and sweet. You could tell she had been s pet at some point. The man said she was until he bought her, she had free ranged and been a lady’s pet. He had her caged. We’ve been wanting a female for Turk. We think this is a female. We hope so. We just couldn’t leave her there. She was crowded with 2 others in a tiny cage. She had some healing scars on her face. I’m cheating as Johnny took this picture but I want it in my Journal. She rode home in my lap! The extra shows her napping on my shoulder as I rubbed her head and neck. When we got home, she ate like she was starving to death. I finally took the food out as I didn’t want her to gorge herself. She and Turk kind of ignore each other right now. I know adding her presents some risk and we are taking some precautions. I’ve added supplements to their water . We just couldn’t leave her there.
Be blessed, blip family.

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