wings like eagles

This is a Red-tailed hawk, sighted on my afternoon walk. But when I saw it (far, far away - this photo is very cropped) I thought of the verse in Isaiah 40:31, "...they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles."
It has been a very tiring week getting hubby settled into the long term care facility, all the back and forth from home to bring in homey things, and to oversee the transition of his care into other hands. Both of us are very happy with the decision to do this, and with the place we picked. But as I came home from my second visit today  feeling I have finally completed his move, I suddenly felt very drained. So I know it was the LORD who carried me through the week, along with all our friends who came to move furniture and hang pictures and to visit.
I will sleep well tonight!

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