The wonder

The world will never starve for want of wonders; but only for want of wonder.
G.K Chesterton

I think many people will be aware of this book. It was around a lot in bookshops over the Christmas period and I suspect was given as presents by many. I bought a copy for one grandchild, as I thought it might appeal to her. When Gordon saw it, he wanted a copy so I got him one, he has read it and really likes it - he keeps quoting from it! 

Now I am reading it and finding it fascinating. Beautifully written and illustrated, it tells about 22 of the Earth’s most astounding creatures. And that includes many we might think of as ‘ordinary’. I have just read about Swifts. I thought I knew a lot about them, but I did not know the half of it - wonderful indeed. And throughout there is a sense of incredulity that humans have contributed to the loss, or near loss, of many of these creatures. 

“. . . dear friends would you look, only look, at what is here and would agree to astonishment, and to love? For love, allied to attention, will be urgently needed in years to come.”

This book should be in every home, to be read and talked about by every young person and every adult. 

I can't believe it is seven years since we were buying shares and feeling huge gratitude to the people who stepped forward with a plan to save our blipworld. 

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