Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

Boxland - The Big Picture

Having absolutely killed my arms painting more of the container today, I stood on the roof and took this in-camera pan shot. No work of art but it shows pretty much the whole area of Boxland.

On the left you have all the 8ft container shops and in between are several boot-sale type set-ups. This weekend all containers and the car-booters can set up for free, that's why there seems to be so many and it all looks a little confused. I expect when they have to pay (the very small) rent and commit to being open every weekend for the next five months we should be left with a more organised and manageable number of vendors.

In the middle is the beach area with bars, café and restaurant. Then on the right you have The Bonk shop (from previous blips) and then the GhetoBlaster music centre and The Champagne bar.

We have a lot to do, starting at eight o'clock tomorrow morning putting in a stairway and then starting to make the thing presentable. I don't think we'll be open this weekend even though it is a bank holiday here on Monday.

Commenting has fallen to absolute zero from me while all this is going on but I just want to say I really appreciate all the positive comments about this project and it really helps to get my arse in gear. I can be a tad hard to motivate occasionally, ....apparently.

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