Tom Zimmerman

By Zimmt54

Four Peaks

Four Peaks is a prominent landmark on the eastern skyline of the Tonto National Forest 40 miles east-northeast of Phoenix.  From the craggy summits the land drops down a complex series of ridges and drainages to bluffs and deep gorges. Elevations vary from around 1,600  to 7,600 feet. 

Ponderosa pine and some Douglas fir grow in the highlands. A few aspen stand on the north side.  Below 4,000 feet, grasslands blend into the Upper Sonoran Desert and huge saguaro cacti thrive. The narrow canyons are pleasingly shaded with cottonwoods and sycamores. 

One of the densest black bear populations in Arizona lives in this wilderness. Other mammals include ring-tailed cats, skunks, coyotes, deer, javelinas, and mountain lions.

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