Not My Cat...

Meet Gillyweed, my friend Noreen's cat...I had heard much about her but had not yet actually met her. Until today.

Noreen was scheduled for cataract surgery this morning in a town not very far away, and of course she needed a chauffeur;  I offered to drive her to and from the hospital, intending to amuse myself exploring that as yet un-blipped countryside whilst she was under the knife. But, of course, it poured rain and I ended up sitting in a lovey little library reading my latest book club novel instead...hence no countryside blip photos taken..

Noreen had not been forewarned that in addition to a chauffeur, she had to have someone who would stay with her for at least 4 hours after the surgery and if she could not name that person so the hospital could confirm it by phone, they would not do the surgery! Really, why would the surgeon not mention this beforehand? 

No matter, they called me while I was at the library and as my social calendar was, as usual, free of commitments, I was able to do that. No problem. 

So..the result of all that was that I unexpectedly spent the afternoon at Noreen's apartment in the sole company of her charming cat while she retreated to her room to recover and hopefully nap... Gilly and I hit it off; She turned out to be a very entertaining companion and interesting conversationalist and was more than willing to pose for photos...sending me home with a choice of portraits to blip! 

PS: Of course, I was careful to post this photo while Maggie was preoccupied, snoozing by the fire... she would not be amused....

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