Advancing hordes!

Tony was away early this morning to drive to the Lakes to do some more controlling for the international event over Easter so, after relaxing with my breakfast in bed listening to the latest episode of The Archers, I set about cleaning the bathroom.  I paused mid morning to sit with my coffee over PopMaster (whatever will we do when Ken moves on in March?) and then set out to post a letter to an old schoolfriend in reply to her Christmas card.  Continuing on from the postbox I decided to do a circuit of St Ives and take in the latest rhodo clearances which Tony had passed on his run yesterday.  The wood is certainly opening up and it will be interesting to see in future years if the bluebells expand in to the new lighter areas.  I wanted to come down through the Estate via the area marked for clearance and felling at the end of this month.  Some trees have been marked with orange spots for a while.  It is difficult to see what the outcome will be after several months of work which lie ahead.  I paid a visit to see what we've always called 'The Sitting Tree' and this is the subject of my blip.  If you look closely, you can see its elvish face.  The girls enjoyed sitting in its boughs when small and I have several photos of family and friends enjoying the tree, including this one.

I have deliberately placed the tree in its context this time so that you can see the Triffids rhododendrons which have taken over in the background.  They need to go, but sadly diseased trees will go with them.

Back home I made lunch, finished the bathroom and did a few other jobs before it was time to meet S, WilsdenWalker, for a damp hobble over the Moor, a new route she had suggested and one I enjoyed.  I am still a little nervous of off road hobbles after my winter solstice fall, so I am more conscious of what is underfoot.  Nevertheless it was invigorating.  Thank you S.

Home again I set about a lasagne in time for Tony's return.

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