
Today was all about Carnaval at school! We arrived ready for the big parade around the school neighbourhood, complete with very loud music, dancing, bashing of pans, blowing of whistles etc etc...and a police escort at the front and back. It was so much fun! Having said that, Nate was pretty overwhelmed and didn't enjoy it...but we did! After about 45 minutes doing the parade and neighbours and businesses coming out to watch, we got back to school for tortillas and juice and dancing in the playground. Days like this make you love Ibiza more. 
We left and told the kids about the surprise weekend trip to Formentera tomorrow. They're incredibly excited...and we've got a hire car for just 20 euros for the weekend! I think both kids need a change of scenery from this flat after the past weeks of sickness...and Formentera is one of our happy places.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Living in a vibrant place.
2) Seeing all sorts of homeless friends this afternoon and one of them presenting Asha with a little gift!
3) The excitement and anticipation of a weekend away. 

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