It's a Been a Long While...
When my Dad died, he temporarily came back to us, in the mind of our dog at the time.
I categorically know this because I came in drunk one night, and Honeypig the dog was sitting at the door when I came in. Frowning at me. I looked at her closely and wondered.
"Dad, are you in there? " She tipped her head. "Dad, if you are in there, walk up to the top of the stairs. She looked at me, cocked her head again, and padded up to the landing, turned round, lay down, and looked at me, smugly from the top step.
I apologised profusely for the state I was in, and went straight to bed.
He disappeared after that, he was obviously just testing the theory, and it was years later, I was sitting in the car, in a tailback when he popped into my mind.
I thought for a moment and glanced round, and there, sitting on the fence, right next to me, was Dad. In the form of a Buzzard. "Hey Dad" I shouted. And He Glanced haughtily back at me.
He's found his form I figured.
Since then, I see dad on various fences when I'm driving places. I know he thought i was a terrible driver, I hadn't managed to pass when he died; he probably thought I'd never pass., So I figure he waits on the fence posts, just to check, because he can't quite believe it.
Si pointed out to me the other day that he must use some form of special motion like the transporter in Star Trek, (and that would figure too because he LOVED Star Trek), because I said hello to him no less than 6 times on the way to Glasgow., at regular intervals and on both sides of the road.
Happy PalEntines Day.
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