
By Praxis

Barbie Couture

V. got her first Barbie a la a thrift store sale the other day, and Ms. B immediately underwent a fashion change. The yellow knit dress I've had for some time - it came with some hand-me-down yarn and just needed its hem bound off and some snaps to close up the back - and the scarf and sweater I knit today. I wish I had the skill to knit Barbie clothes when I was a kid! (It was all disco couture then, practically. A lot of gold lame. In fact, from what I can tell by the various modern Barbie websites, that hasn't changed all that much. Just hot pink has been added. Tell me, why must it be in EVERY outfit?) So, there is going to be some vicarious Barbie playing going on around here, and V. is going to benefit from it by having one of the most tastefully dressed Barbies around.

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