Place: Boulder, CO 30/58
Main activity: Mon - finalizing, shipping, out for breakfast
Notes: Felt pretty awful, weak, chills, exhaustion most of the day. We were going to head to post office at 9a but was just too much so waited to check in 1020a and then headed over - was a little better for 2 bins than I expected ($216). To Goodwill Donations then on Walnut and dropped the biggest load ever. Walnut Cafe right next door and decided to go for a late breakfast - was nice. We worked on constructing a new suitcase "wheel" when we got back with furniture sliders - seems to work, will see how the airport experience is. Slept off and on thru the day and just kept wrapping things up. Watched the rest of Ted Lasso season 1 and then I said I was done - again was a little after 6p. Went to bed in the 7p hour. 

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