
I don't have much success with these from bulbs so I bought some in flower the other day, this is one of the 3 colour-ways.
Had a lie-in this morning as was awake for quite a while in the night but then got some of the boring odd jobs done.
Up at church in the afternoon where someone turned up as we were getting ready to go, so we delayed our leaving for a while and chatted to him.
Then went a bought a new vacuum cleaner and tried it out when I got home, so far so good.
The evening run was with the club and we did a treasure hunt in the Sidlaws. There were a few hiccups, including forgetting to tell us we there were 2 sets of clues in some of the boxes and we had to make sure we got the right ones! The result of this was some of us ending up missing one and one group had an extra but no-one got lost and everyone seemed to have fun (once we got started, it was very cold waiting to do so). Late home so late meal, at least I had it waiting to be heated up.

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