Father and son
The father of Caspar, named Peter Pan, visited us today. Caspar and siblings are his first offspring. Pan is 3 years old, approximately 90cm and 70kg. A big friendly giant (short: BFG).
It was good to see how big Caspar might eventually grow, but also how friendly he most probably will still be when older. Both played lovely, both provoking the other. The extra shows Caspar having fun.
Pan loves to swim, so of course he jumped into the Gersprenz. Caspar, who was rather reluctant to touch water with his feet, thought no moment about it and just followed him. I assume in the future he will make use of his webbed skin between his toes, if we find a lake or bigger river where he can and is allowed to swim (not so easy here in the Odenwald).
Hanulli took pictures too, here you can see some of them.
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