By lizzie_birkett

Bella and her Boyfriend

She loves her tiny boyfriend Darcy. He lives round the corner with his elderly owners and Bella goes crazy when she sees him. I wish she was as friendly with girl dogs. Darcy’s owner, John is a lovely man and always has treats in his pocket for other dogs even though his own dog won’t eat them.
I cranked up my old laptop today to go on Ancestry.co.uk because a distant relative who I didn’t know had contacted me a while ago asking for info on the family history. However the laptop wouldn’t let me log in.
I tried on the iPad and it did let me in but the screen isn’t really big enough to see a lot on one page. 
While I was doing this I was also listening to some podcasts by fellow Blipper - Eyecatching. https://open.spotify.com/show/04Q1wcMB3Lb1vSpKI8EQ1V?si=8ScPF2wbT-a1-NyYktzrDg   
He’s very nice to listen to and the content is interesting. I prefer listening to people talking rather than music when I’m busy doing things.

Frank arrived home at about 3.30pm from his jaunt to an ex-colleagues big birthday do at the Tam O’Shanter. He took his guitar and played some songs for them with a couple of other musicians.
The hotel he had booked into last night was one in Dumfries where we sometimes went for a meal and a drink or for work do’s.
He was very disappointed that they no longer serve meals - except breakfast - and don’t have a bar anymore! He had a walk round Dumfries and was sad to see so many closed shops. It used to be such a busy wee town. However there is loads of creative stuff going on there which is good to know. He couldn’t go outwith Dumfries to visit as he’d had a few beers so he was stuck in the hotel room reading his book and watching telly.

I defrosted a nut roast for tea which I had made at Christmas. I’d forgotten how delicious it was. We had it with potatoes, sprouts, carrots and veggie gravy.

I’ve been so tired again today and had a headache, I fell asleep twice! In between though, I did some drawing and had 2 walks with Bella.
The headache has gone now.
Settling down for the evening now.
Goodnight ;-)X

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