A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

February beauties

I usually photograph these for either my mum’s or Grace’s birthday, both  last week, but I didn’t want to miss them out altogether and they are really at their best now.

This is the main clump around the flower fairy but they are all over this bed in front of the kitchen patio, many of them originated from my mother and she in turn got them from my grandfather’s allotment in Bingley many years ago.

A dull day but quite warm, these look cheery whatever the weather. There are crocus coming up here too.

The straw looking material on the left is the edge of the clump of Pasque flowers, Pulsatilla, which are showing signs of growth. These are a lilac purple colour and, fingers crossed, the white ones I planted last year are looking hopeful too. 

Lots of spring treats to come but snowdrops have a very special place in arriving so early.

Son Alex has gone to Sheffield on a special deal to stay overnight and watch the NFL Superbowl so he won’t be joining us for his usual Sunday meal this evening,
Daughter Grace was having a birthday cocktail party last night, hope she’s not feeling too grim!

Great rugby in the Six Nations yesterday. Settling down now to watch the England v Italy game.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday everyone .

Fun in the park in Bath

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