Just the Withers......

By JaneW

My little angel !

Kirstie blipper and all round good egg who is growing an egg as we speak ... It will be a lovely sweet natured blob I can feel it.I think her good natured baby will be bald ...Kirstie aka Pidge took me out for lunch today and it was wonderful and we had a mooch around the shops too ... She purchased some stretchy dress things to cover her growing parasite sweet natured blob.I brought a couple of long vesty tops for layering and a chavvy necklace ..
Then I did some tearing about after and started preparing the house for an influx of friends coming to sleep over here TOMORROW NIGHT .. Staying over we have
Tilly mint
Marty Feldmans love child
And Mrs Miggins ..

Visiting for the evening but not sleeping are

Tits McGee
and Moonchops .. And maybe velvet black eyes from next door .. We are having a Eurovision party !!!

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