Life on the Good Intent

By ClydeBorn


It has been a difficult day, thinking of Annie and her family. I had photographed a very maudlin electric plug, on the theme 'powerless', while I waited for word from John.
He called a short while ago and gave me an update. No change and it is very early days. However Annie is conscious and alert though very tired. Her daughter made it from London to the hospital including a stop to pick up clothes in four and a half hours! Her mother's daughter indeed! I spoke to Annie, very difficult not to cry, but Annie wasn't crying.
John has printed out all of the blip messages (must have cost a small fortune in ink and paper there have been so many!) and read to her, so she knows how worried you all are about her.
She has insisted on having her compact camera with her - so look out staff of Wishaw General, we will be seeing quite a lot of you in the next wee while!

So although desperately sad about what has happened to my dear friend I took my camera into the garden as the sun was slanting through the clematis. For some reason I took my Blipfoto badge out of my camera bag.

This image represents the strength of the Blipfoto community. Dispersed throughout the world like the delicate individual seedheads of the dandelion clock, seemingly loosely connected, but have you ever tried to uproot a dandelion? It's roots are strong and take a firm hold in the earth.
It's a magnificent testimony to the community through which I and a few others met Annie and to all of those who haven't met her yet. So much love out there and I'm glad Annie knows how much.

We are all there for you Annie.
Anyone wanting to send cards, please email me - and I'll send you Annie and Johns' address.

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