
Mr W had a ride out with the lads while I saw 2 potential clients for the studio.

1 couple came at 11. They have been attending the same pottery classes as me for 4 years but thought they would try my studio instead. They said they woukd like to book every Tuesday after April! Result.

Then an Auctioneer from Christies came with a box load of his own pottery he wants fired and wanted a chat about setting up his own studio.

Both were very complimentary about my set up which was nice.

I then allowed my self some time off and a bit of a pamper session removing various jungles and painting my nails that have been severely neglected since starting up pottery!

I bought Mr W tickets to a Queen tribute act called Majesty for his birthday. The show was tonight. Mr W had a brilliant time and was singing along merrily. I've developed DN1's sore throat so I wasn't quite so vocal but it was very good.

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