Fisherman's Beach

This is the end of the promenade, a couple of minutes walk from our place. A few steps lead down to the beach - Fisherman’s Beach - for obvious reasons as this is the area where the fishing boats are kept and from where they set off and return. The yellow sign is a warning that this part is a working beach and there could be nets and ropes etc. lying around. The huts belong to the fishing community, there are flats behind. 

In the foreground are the strange things in an apartment garden - I think I’ve blipped these before. The building to the right is the old fire station, now the Lazy Shack Cafe and Shop. This was always known as ‘Breakfast on the Beach’ and it is obvious that, even in February and on a less sunny day than lately, people are determined to do just that, albeit with coats on! The grandchildren love this place. 

In the distance, beyond the fishing boats, you can see two Martello Towers, 74 of which were built in 1805 to deter invasion from Napoleonic France. You might just be able to see a red flag which is an indication that the army are firing, and sure enough I could hear a few blasts as I walked along. I think they are practising rather than shooting at the French!!

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