
By Houseonahill6


When Mike got back from Amsterdam the car battery was dead so he ordered another one from Halfords went over to Inverness to collect it and then fitted it this morning so all now.
It was really blowy all day but we took a drive round the Cromarty loop.We stopped at the bird hide. The tide was still coming in and pushing the birds further in land as it covered the ground they were sat on. Plenty of wigeon,teal, oyster catchers,knot and three Mute swans.
We really fancied a pizza from Sutor Creek so ordered one on line , it would be ready in 40 minutes so we took a slow drive to Cromarty and treated ourselves to a hot chocolate from Laura at the slaughterhouse. Huge waves were lashing against the harbour.
We picked up our pizza , delicious as always :)
Paid the Hall hire for Brownies and posted the Get well cards Brownies had made for a gentleman from Avoch who is in hospital .
Watched the Last of us and the final Lockwood and co , we enjoyed both :)

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