Anemone de Caen

Self seeded in the garden. I must remember to buy corms to plant a row for cutting up on the plot, they make such lovely cut flowers, & a beautiful subject for photographing, & painting.
Scaffolding erected yesterday, Bruce & Barry were working away on Mum's bungalow when I arrived to walk Indie. Not feeling hundred percent today so cancelled my afternoons gardening for George & Jean.
I took Mum a meal for her lunch/dinner, some orts for Indie. Back home did a couple of jobs on-line. An email from Mum's energy supplier asking for the information on stickers applied to the Smart meter which was installed recently as they were unable to produce a bill without. WHY does'nt the engineer forward that information on completion of installation? . "If you are unable to access the meter to retrieve this information we can send an engineer". Progress! Bonkers!!
A visit to the library this afternoon to print off the new car insurance certificate.

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