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By pplnani

Redwing In The Snowdrops

........... I made it to the charity shop with everything I intended to take, despite a halfhearted request from hubby to ‘think again’ about some large picture frames that I used to use for camera club exhibitions ( I’m not even a member now and haven’t done an exhibition for many years). They were only taking up valuable storage space, so they’ve now gone.
Annoyingly, I did have to bring one item back - a footstool that went with an easy chair ( long since fallen apart and dumped ). We’ve never used the stool it’s just been wrapped in plastic and stored in the garage for more years than I care to remember. It seems there’s no demand for them and they sit in the shop for ages without selling, so the charity shop didn’t want to take it.
It is now languishing in a spot that has become vacant from the recent clear out and is presently being used as a cat bed - which means hubby won’t want to move it - I give up, lol ;-)))

I had to drive right past the lake on my way to the charity shop, so I called in on my way home and was enchanted by a small flock of Redwings in the little woodland area busy turning over all the leaves looking for grubs - they were not the slightest bit concerned about people walking past - the one in my blip (another view in extras) was within 10 feet when I took these photos and further along a group of around a dozen walkers crept past them and they didn’t bat an eyelid - amazing ;-))

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