Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

Abstract Thursday

Down to the IMC in Dun Laoghaire to see Aftersun.

Just home now and polished off a bag of onion rings and chips from Liberos. I can’t comment on the film as haven’t really processed it yet. In a nutshell it was about the father/daughter relationship.

But this blip! What’s going on here?

Well I bought myself a box of Maltesers and 2 bottles of Lucozade to have during the film. As I was early, I sat on the couch in the foyer and decided to open the box of Ms. and sneak a few early ones. In my enthusiasm to get the box open, about 6 precious Ms jumped out and sped off across the floor. What a damn waste!

This was played on the karaoke in the film and anything by REM is ok by me.

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