Shadows on a clear day. 16:00.

The sun was gradually sinking behind me, where there was a field filled with sheep. The farmer had put them there to forage the remains of last year’s crop, whatever it was, and they’ve been munching happily away each time we’ve seen them.
It has been another glorious day of sunshine and blue skies.
I did a little bit of sorting out in one of the borders in the garden this morning. Some osteospurmums had succumbed to the intense cold and freezing temperatures at the end of last year. I lopped off the dead woody bits and cleared them away to the garden waste bin.
Lovely to hear the birds singing all around. I had a mug of tea sitting in the summerhouse with the door wide open as it was quite warm inside. Good to let in some clear fresh air.
This afternoon was our usual trip to have a coffee at the garden centre with my friend Bobbie.
It was packed when we got there, but a couple were just leaving at a table by the door, which has comfy armchairs so that was very fortuitous.
Out in the garden this morning it actually felt like Spring was stirring. I could feel myself unwind.

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