Bird and what?

Glasgow airport gives the illusion of plenty but there was virtually nothing edible in it. What I wouldn’t have given for a Pret!   Finally had a soggy cheese and marmite toastie from Starbucks.   And Bird and Signet? What’s that about? Random but odd pairing of words…Flower and Kettle? Tree and Bracelet? Becomes quite a game….

Big production meeting in the morning and we could take stock of where we’d got to. Still a lot to do really.  

Got back to the house in time to take the dog for a quick walk before settling down and mopping up some emails before V came back from teaching.  
Finally watched the last Happy Valley which was intensely moving and powerful.  Wonderful to see such a partnership of actor and writer.  Sarah Lancashire has had a long career but she is monumental here.  The character’s strength and vulnerability come out in the most unexpected ways.  

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