By lizzie_birkett

Plastic Pollution

Thought it does look rather jolly. I just hate balloons being let loose especially these plastic ones. Lucky it didn’t land in one of the fields full of sheep on either side of the lane.
I took Bella walkies up there this morning. We hadn’t gone far when there was a loud noise like someone pulling down a shed wall or something - it was a big bang. Well that made Bella panic and she wanted to go home, but I persevered and made her walk on but she was constantly stopping and looking over her shoulder anxiously. She’s been like that since Bonfire night 3 years ago, if someone slams a car door or lets the bin lid fall shut with a bang.
Anyway, we got almost as far as usual but in the end I said OK, lets go home and she was off like a shot!
It was a beautiful morning so when I got back home I had a cuppa and although I felt tired I thought it was a shame to be indoors when the sun was shining. I went in the garden to cut a shrub back but then I just carried on and did quite a bit. It’s the first time in ages that I’ve felt motivated to do something in the garden. I felt very satisfied afterwards but also very tired and fell asleep reading.

If the weather is nice tomorrow we may go to Hebden Bridge.

That’s it folks! ;-) X

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