My Best Efforts - Year 3


Mock Orange..........

.......... seen in a garden in the village - had to look twice as they don't normally flower intil the very end of May or the first week in June here. This one is extremely early and smelt fabulous! - I have to say it was in a very sheltered spot in a very old garden. Had a look at mine when I got home and there are plenty of buds on it so that's good.
It's proper name is Philadelphus and has really bright green leaves . It is really is a beautiful shrub, the perfume wonderful and the flowers do last a little longer than on some other shrubs. The one I have has golden/yellow leaves and always looks as if the sun is shining on it - even today.

Weather changed again - dull a dreary with the afternoon temperature at only 10 deg C and heavy rain forecast for tomorrow.

Enjoy your day if you can.

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