Herring gulls !
Stewart Park in Ithaca is usually a good place for gulls and ducks in winter. The edge of the lake is frozen out a ways though so getting a close up with the long lens was impossible. However they all conveniently spooked and took to the air . the extra is the un-edited version.
I must admit to being a little disappointed as the only ducks were mallards and not many of those. The birds were mostly herring gulls , a few greater black backed and lots and lots of geese. If there was a glaucous gull in there i certainly did not see it..
Walked around Sapsucker Woods also but the trail was literally ice in many places and it got very windy as soon as we got there which resulted in us taking a very short trail . The area around the feeders was the most productive with cardinals , goldfinch and a couple of woodpeckers.Pretty much what I see at home. I guess I will have to wait till spring for a return trip. ( It's a migrant trap - loads of warblers in spring .)
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