
By AlexDarke

When dust gets in your eyes

A very full on and enjoyable day today.

It started off having only 4 hours sleep on the hard floor of Wes's music room. I got up mega early to drive to my mums, to get showered and then onto Darren's to help him move.

I stopped by a car boot sale en route and bought Boo the bestest ever present I have ever bought her! An old scrap book dating back to the 70s at least - full of old cuttings and recipes from the dark data of British cuisine! I'm exited to try some of the stuff.. For example Ham and spaghetti 'nests' cooked in tinned tomatoes! Yum.....

Once at Darren's we proceeded to move furniture downstairs with much laughter, which really didn't help when you have a huge wardrobe on your back, halfway down the stairs! We then had a pint and I drive off back to Manc with a boot load of tools he decided not to take to Oz with him.

After frustratingly being stopped twice on the motorway by the Rozzers regarding my naughty southern car clone I got home and set to using my new industrial sander from Daz. It's mega, although dust did get to every square inch of my face and the house... I got slightly carried away and got told off by the neighbours for being too loud - just as I was finishing the last wall, frustratingly!!

All in all a very enjoyable and productive fun day all round!

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