Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


The Royal Britannia and the new whisky distillery. 

After a full on and stressful day I needed a long walk. 

Got to Pilates as the gas engineer phoned to say they would come in the afternoon. 
He had to use the new hob as although old one came out ok , the connecting parts had split and he couldn't separate them. Really annoying and costly. 2 hrs later he left and I now safely have heat and gas. 
While he was there I tried to contact my energy supplier. They have been taken over and I stopped getting the government payments. I did the chat bot thing and I was 230th in the queue. After 2.5hrs of waiting and conversing I hope  I have sorted that, but we'll see. 

Engineer left and I had to put everything back in the kitchen, and the hall cupboard, hoover, dump all packaging and now have to get rid of my old hob. I really wished I had had Pilates at the end of the day, but a fast 2hr walk helped. 

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