
By CharChar

Starting where I left off

Today started off very early with the alarm going off at 4.30! All for a good reason though Joeys Hen party in Paris!

We got ourselves down to London to catch the Eurostar which was very exciting as I'd never been on it before it was just like any other train to be honest just we went under the sea! We did enjoy a bottle if Buck's Fizz and a few shots for the bride for no doing as she was told!

We managed to find our hotel and opposite was a karaoke bar it was meant to be so you all know where we will end up tonight!

We then went out for a walk around had lunch then back for a siesta or whatever the French equivalent is before getting ready for tonight!

Tonight's picture was taken at Moulin Rouge! It was fabulous, very Vegas! All the women had there boobs out, no men with there clothes off though! We sat and enjoyed the show with 2 bottles of Champagne, it was a lovely way to end the day!

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