Standing out

First day.

Public holiday here so we went for a walk to show the children their school and show them a few sights.

We passed the Kremlin, Church of Christ the Saviour, House of Tears, crossed the Moscow river but the lost exciting things were pigeons!

After lunch and a wander we stopped in a park for an ice cream and watched the procession of wedding parties have their photos done on the little bridge where they attach a padlock to lock in their love (somewhat hopefully I imagine as Russia was named number 1 in the list of countries with the highest divorce rates in 2012).

They love their limousines (the best we saw was a Hummer limousine) and their meringues. (the girls thought the dresses were gorgeous).

Traditionally newly weds travel all over Moscow to take photos with all the main landmarks. I wonder whether this was one of the last ones on this couple's list, which would explain her weary expression. That, or the fact that it was very hot and she was clearly very pregnant so I imagine hanging around for her husband to finish his phone call was not exactly the romantic episode she had imagined. Or maybe she was just hacked off about the fact that most of the rest of the wedding party had clearly made no effort at all to dress up!

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