A dry day on deck

It hasn't rained today! And the forecast is pretty good too, depending on which one you look at. The worst one said 'Possible light rain tomorrow night'.

On the strength of that I decided to finish painting the deck - I'd done half the surface and most of the railing a while ago. Today I finished the flat bit and completed the steps and handrail. If it rains tonight I will not be pleased! Come the spring I'll give it another coat.

Did some gardening after the painting - thought I might as well make use of a rain-free day. Mostly de-fronding ferns - I'll need to dig some more out sometime to make space for more exotics. Susie came down to watch me. I was also looking for a space to move one of my smaller tree ferns to - I don't know why I planted them so close together!

Limerick of the Day:

There once was a pusscat named Susie
Who enjoyed the sweet tones of Debussy.
As her interest grew
She wrote limericks too,
Though it made her increasingly snoozy!

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