Goodbye to you my trusted friends................

........that might be a tad dramatic, but it's time for my trainers to bite the dust. I do have other trainers, but I have had these for maybe ten years and I have done a few Race for Life in them, and I would love to know how many miles I have walked in them. I know you may think it's silly, but they are almost like my friends. I must admit, that as soon as I took this photo, I brought them back into the house.  I promise I will throw them away ,soon:-) Only Ann was missing at the gym, as she has hurt her back, but the usual crowd were there. As I told you, the January new year resolution crowd, have fallen by the wayside, and the gym is now back to just us, regulars. What a glorious day. and I have taken full advantage of it , as the washing line is full, with more planned  for tomorrow. The BBC's viewing figures should be through the roof tonight, as everyone I know will be watching, Happy Valley.

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