I feel like, getting back together
Whilst I lasted well with my mask on to protect my face from the air last night, I didn't feel brilliant when I woke.
I took the antibiotics, and the steroids - inhaled from my canister and lay for a while . When I got up, I still felt heavy and exhausted. Himself took himself off to the shopping and i sat and knitted.
When he came back I was feeling better and he bought me leeks and baking stuff . I made, I believe one of the tastiest pots of soup I have ever done; and also a coconut strawberry tray cake.
And now I have to sit down again.
I think I will just sit here for the rest of the night. I will finish the little cardigan I have been working on. I'm quite pleased, it's knitting, not crochet, and I'm making good progress.
Boy has left today. we are expecting Jess back, a bit sad.
He's away on a work trip (I love his type of work - hotel stays, and COSTA RICA No less).
He has gone with instructions "text me when you get on the plane, when you get off the plane, when y ou get on the next plane, and when you get to costa rica.
What a bloody life.
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