Take a picture of me with a Kodak

And the joy of my Blip day endeth, but what Do I end it with?  Toolie and R. 

It's been a while and I thought you deserved it. 

I deserved it too.  It made me happy after a pretty crap day. 

I made another appointment with the doctor.  I'm not right yet, and getting out of bed in the morning is becoming difficult.  I got the doctor this time instead of the Practise Emergency Practitioner.   

She read the history, listened to my lungs, and said "there's a lot of it about.   I remembered to tell her about the chemical smell from my pee.  And she sent me immediately off to the loo to produce a sample.  

Thankfully I'm drinking about 3 litres of water a day (all hot) so there was no problem in producing.  She was amazed at how clear it was, but more concerned that despite the dilution, it still pinged purple on testing. 

stronger antibiotics for both chest and urine infections. More Steroids to clear my chest.  An inhaler chamber to make inhalation of the inhaler easier.   And A line. 

I headed back to work, to sign myself off, and shut down my desk (I wasn't expecting to be signed off). 

I informed the bosses, and one of them said "finish off this, before you go". 

I could have gret.  

Suffice it to say I left and took to my bed.  and it is from my bed this morning that I write. 

It fair cheered me to receive photos and video from Tooli tonight - the gals were out on the town   The photo is Pre Drinks in her apartment.  and she is no end amused that it looks like R is wearing her hat (which is actually hanging from the top of the picture.) 

and so I will take today to catch up on everyone's blip and comment wildy. 

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