Y cylch tymhorol
Y cylch tymhorol ~ The seasonal cycle
“It is the end of art to inoculate men with the love of nature. But those who have a passion for nature in the natural way, need no pictures nor galleries. Spring is their designer, and the whole year their artist.”
― Henry Ward Beecher
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Mae'r rhiwbob dewr yn dangos ei hunan i'r elfen eto. Rydw i'n meddwl mai'r riwbob yw'r peth bwytadwy cyntaf i ymddangos yn yr ardd bob blwyddyn cyn y gwylltineb diweddarach o ffrwythau.
Mae rhai o flodau yn ymddangos hefyd - briallu a jasmin sy'n blodeuo yn y gaeaf. Ac mae'r brogaod yn dechrau gwnaed seiniau hefyd.
Mae rhywbeth digon llawen am weld a chlywed bod gweithgareddau cylch y tymhorau yn ailddechrau.
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The brave rhubarb shows itself to the elements again. I think the rhubarb is the first edible thing to appear in the garden each year before the later frenzy of fruit.
Some flowers are also appearing - primroses and winter flowering jasmine. And the frogs are beginning to make noises too.
There is something quite joyful about seeing and hearing that the activities of the seasonal cycle starting again.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Rhiwbob newydd yn tyfu yn yr ardd
Description (English): New rhubarb growing in the garden
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