It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

87.8% Waxing Gibbous

The air is not as good as last night as this was hard to get as clouds are whizzin by.
My two new books came today 
The Secret Life of Fies
The Inside Out of Flies
by Erica McAlister. I'm hooked already as they are so informative and shows you how we need flies even if you don't think we do. Most are mini super heros. 
I am swatting up (no pun intended) for the start of Bug Season!
In other news my day off consisted of Docs and Hygienist.
Docs have said that as my blood tests came back negative so they can do no more, Im destined to have to always deal with whatever my nose takes a dislike too! Im beginning to think its everything. So no help there.
Hygienist was going to do a deep clean of a tooth which had an infection but has now all cleared up and I said is a deep clean going to aggravate it and she said yes!!!!   
Counterproductive I said? 
So I asked her to do a general clean rather than upset that one. She did say the antibiotics had helped tighten up a couple of other teeth so all good there.
Back to the crap hole tomorrow. What joy.


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